Welcome Image API

Welcome Image API

In this article I'll show you how to just go to a website and make a member welcome image. I'll try to explain this more in a friendly way then a techy way so even if you don't know anything about APIs you are able to do it!

So, let's see how a basic welcome image will look like :

If you are just here to get the API url for Iko's welcome system and don't want to understand how all of this works, then just pass the following URL in image parameter :


Replace abc.png with background image you want

Replace Welcome-to-the-server with text you want to display

  • Incase you have space between words, replace them space with -. For example if you want it to be Welcome welcome you have to pass Welcome-welcome

Replace 4287f5 with hex color (without #) for text

So, let's get started!

Base URL

  • In simple words base URL is the website which you will use to create such images and that is :



  • Parameters are simple words you add to Base URL to customize the embed.

So, let me list the parameters first and then I'll explain you how to use them.

  • u : username of the user who joined

Incase you have space in username replace it with - (dash).

# (between user name and user discriminator) should be replaced with _ underscore.

  • a : URL of user avatar

  • bg : URL of background image

  • tc : color of text - hex color without #

  • c : text to display instead of Welcome to the server

  • mc : member count of the server

Now, let me show you how to customize the embed.

Customizing Username

So, let's say the username is hello#1234. First, we need to replace # to _. So, the username will look like hello_1234. Now, the parameter for username is u and the base URL is https://api.itzleo.com/welcome.

Now, to mention the parameter we use ? followed by the parameter name and then a = (equal) which is followed by parameter value.

So, our URL will now look like :


The image you will get will look like this :

Now, what if you have space between the username? Well replace that space with - (dash), so hello world#1234 will look like hello-world_1234 and the URL will be


Customizing Avatar

Now, to mention more parameters we won't use ? we will just use & and then type parameter name followed by = which is further followed by parameter value.

Now, the parameter for avatar is a. The test image we will be using is https://i.imgur.com/ATRp8VT.png

So, now the URL will be :


We simply added &a=https://i.imgur.com/ATRp8VT.png

The image you will get will look like this :

Customizing Background

Now, I guess you are already pro with URLs and parameters by now. The parameter name for background URL is bg and the test background URL will be https://i.imgur.com/PA9pnIe.png

So, we will just add &bg=https://i.imgur.com/PA9pnIe.png to our previous URL and now it becomes :


The image you will get will look like this :

Customizing Text Color

The parameter name for text color is tc and you need to pass hex color without #. If you are wondering where you can get hex color just checkout here.

We will be using #4287f5 for testing. So, first we will remove # and then we will add &tc=4287f5 to our URL.

The URL now becomes :


The image you will get will look like this :

Customizing Text

You can customize Welcome to the server text in the image too. The parameter you have to use is c followed by = and the text you want. Incase, of space replace the space with -.

Let's try to replace it with Welcome welcome. So, let's replace the space with - : Welcome-welcome. Now, we need to add &c=Welcome-welcome to the URL.

The URL now becomes :


The image you will get will look like this :

Customizing Member Count

You can customize member count using mc parameter followed by = which is further followed by member count. Let's take member count as 123 for now so we need to add &mc=123 to the URL.

The URL now becomes :


The image you will get will look like this :

You can now create your own custom images using this API. If any developer wants to use this API in his/her/their bot, you are free to do so!

Last updated